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Surebets, as the name suggests, is a bet or a set of bets that maximise your chances of winning while minimizing your risk of losing. This may sound a bit too good to be true, but trust we assure you that they exist. Often this betting type is referred as an arbitrage bet or as a miracle bet. These bets are designed in a way that guarantees punters a profit or at least the guarantee that you will not be registering a loss. This simple fact is certainly why these types of bets have become quite the rage throughout the market. If the statistics are anything to go by, these bets do actually yield results more often than not. It may seem a tad far-fetched but there is actually a mathematical sequence behind the phenomenon. In this article we will be delving deeper into the mechanics of this bet and how punters are making it work for them.

What facts need to be considered?

  • A Surebet is hard to find
  • There are some tricks to find or even build surebets
  • A combination of a pre-match bet and a live bet can build a surebet
  • Normally you use different bookmaker to build your surebets

Types of bets

Arbers, are what punters who place these types of bets are referred to, an obvious abbreviation of the term arbitrage betting. This type of bet often includes a large sum of money. Should conditions be right this can be highly lucrative. The premise behind them is the fact that all too often, betting providers will have a difference in opinion with regards to a few factors such as, who is the favourite or just simple errors that have been overlooked. 

Sports betting and taking notes

These bets are mathematically calculated arbitrage situations that allow bets to be placed on all possible outcomes of an event, often placed with multiple bookies which are designed to yield a profit. The profit margin is usually quite low, less than 2% actually. One of the best ways to notice a surebet opportunity is when different bookies offering different odds for the same game or event. Arbitrage betting is not for the faint-hearted, this is a fast-paced process that requires a ton of time and research, not to mention discipline. 

One thing that has helped increase the number of surebets is the rise in sites that have created a system which automatically tracks odds offered by bookmakers. This has dramatically decreased the time spent by punters who would usually have had to scour the internet for hours on end in order to uncover any discrepancies.

There are a few different ways to make surebets, punters will be able to place pre-match bets or live bets, the live bets tend to be a bit harder as odds are constantly changing which means that newcomers may feel a bit overwhelmed initially. Let’s take a look at them.

  • Pre-match bets - The odds will change very slowly and there are numerous events that will be scheduled. There is a ton of competition due to the simplicity of this bet and bookies will almost always limit the bet amounts.
  • Live betting - The odds change at a rapid pace making it harder to keep up with for newcomers, but there are many more bets available. Punters will be able to place bets in-game. 
  • 2-way surebet (image below) - this is when you distribute your bets between two bookmakers, this is by the simplest bet. 
  • 3-way surebet - this is slightly more complicated as punters will need to split their bets between at least three separate bookies.
Example of Surebet

These are not the only bet types one can place when trying to make a surebet. Essentially punters can distribute their stakes between as many punters as they like, what you must remember is the fact that it will get a much more complicated the more bookies you bet with, so keep that in mind before spreading your bets.

There are numerous sites out there that punters can use to perform surebets. This will eliminate the need for you to do your own research as these sites have been specifically designed to list which bookie is offering what and how they stack up against each other.

What are some of the risks punters will encounter when sure betting?

Friends betting on a game

One thing that has proven to be a little sketchy with regards to arbitrage betting is the fact that bookies will actually scratch odds. This basically means that the underpinning odds will vanish after some betting activity. This is what turns these bets from a surebet into a normal bet. There is still a major discussion regarding the ability of bookies to do this mid game. Most high street bookies will offer odds way in advance and they will usually stick to them. Arbitrage bets will last a couple hours at most, so it is essential that you don't get complacent and pay constant attention. Bet cancellation are also a very real risk when arbitrage betting, this will usually only be done when the bookie suspects you of arbitrage betting or if they have made what’s termed as a palpable or obvious mistake on their part.

It has been evident that due to the amount of traffic experienced by bookies due to the simplicity of these bets, hackers have been known to frequent the sites. This is simply because they know punters will need to enter all sorts of information such as bank details, identity details and other highly sensitive personal information which can be used to defraud unsuspecting individuals. Always try to make sure you are betting with a reputable bookmaker to ensure your safety and security.

Due to the fast-paced nature of surebets, players may be inundated with information, this will undoubtedly lead to some errors in calculation which can be to your detriment. It goes without saying that due to the profit margins being no higher than 1% most of the time, you cannot afford to make any errors if you want to reap the rewards.

Conclusion: Focus and attention needed

Remember that this form of betting requires focus and attention to detail. Even though there are sites that will provide you with up-to-date information, it is essential that you stay clued up and level headed to make the most out of surebets. This is not a get rich quick bet, but you will be stringing together wins, more so than with other bets.